Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Cookies....

I made my second batch of sugar cookies and finally settled on a recipe. I think I found the perfect match of sweetness and softness. I made this arrangement for my Mom for Valentines Day. She is sick so she wasn't able to pick it up but it's the thought that counts right?
I do realize the picture is horrible... I am working on my photography skills but you get the idea?

This should be a busy week. T was off of school yesterday so we headed out to the mall to get some warm weather wear for our upcoming trip to Arizona. We can't wait to get to a sunny place where the temperature is above freezing! We have physical therapy this week and then I have to get busy making cookies for my nephews birthday. I still need to finish painting the bed that we made and get the guest bedroom back in order.

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Cookies

This is my first attempt at decorating with royal icing and sugar cookies. It was a ton or work but I think I will try them again. It's going to take a lot of practice for me to get them to look the way I want but overall I am pleased with my first attempt.

I checked out a few of the local thrift store in the area. I am shocked at some of the prices these stores are charging! I didn't end up finding anything.... maybe next week.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Catholic School's Week

Last week we celebrated Catholic School's week at T's high school. Freshman parents were in charge of the desserts for the faculty luncheon. I wanted to make something that was sweet and that teacher's could take back to class with them. Of course something chocolate was a must!

Here are a few of the things I made.

The red and blue are T's school colors... I wish I would have made more pretzel's because we ran out of them. I also made some like the picture below but I forgot to take a picture of them.

My sister-in-law's birthday was last month and we went to their house for a Superbowl party. We don't exchange gifts but I wanted to bring something for her. I ordered some adorable pink bakery boxes and filled them with a ton of chocolate covered pretzels. They were a hit!

Off to some thrift stores.... hopefully I will post some great finds.